Clicking to Capture Service Dogs
While I was looking for clubs at the University of Kentucky I found many service dog programs. I started doing research immediately and decided to train a poodle mix, Dapper, that my mom had at her rescue. Dapper was so patient and taught me SO much! Training service dogs is extremely time consuming, but is the most rewarding training.

Trained from Mar 2018-June 2019
Dapper was the first service dog I trained. He was raised in a dorm on UK's campus and went everywhere with me. Unfortunately, after an incident with another dog in the dorm, he became leash reactive when he saw other dogs. After extensive training with other trainers, we decided a career change was best for him. He is now in LA working as a trick dog at Universal.

Trained from August 2019-May 2020
After Dapper left I took a break from service dog training and got another dog for myself, Lumi. Ralphie was turned into my moms rescue at 3 months old and he had the best temperament. I took him home to assess him and decided to train him as a service dog. He went to Paws Giving Independence to continue his career.
I won't be training another service dog for awhile. If you have any questions about training your own service dog, finding a reputable program, your rights with public access, or others, feel free to message me!